学生残疾服务 (SDS) engages in an interactive process with each student and reviews requests for accommodations on an individualized, 具体问题具体分析. Depending on the nature and functional limitations of a student’s documented disability, 学生可能有资格获得学术住宿. The following are essential to consider your request for accommodation:
- 提交文件-填写 学术住宿申请表格 或者是 住宿申请表格 according to the type of accommodations that you are seeking and attach your documentation upon submission. 一定要复习一下 文档的指导方针 如果需要.
- 您或您的供应商也可以, 电子邮件,传真至(512)464-8830,邮寄(300s1). Congress Ave, Austin, TX 78704), or drop off in-person (穆迪大厅 102).
- Attend an intake appointment with a disability counselor - This is an opportunity to discuss how your disability impacts your college experience, 如何获得合格文件, 以及住宿过程是如何运作的.
If you have questions or if you would like to set up a brief 15-minute informational meeting with our office, 请致电(512)448-8561, 电子邮件,或到穆迪大厅 102.
1973年康复法案第504条 provides for "reasonable accommodations" for qualified individuals and requires that these persons not be excluded from, 拒绝进入, 或在任何计划下受到歧视. 除了合理的住宿条件, 第504节要求参加所有课程, facilitates communications for people with 听力 or visual disabilities, and provides accessible construction and alteration in physical facilities.
- Accommodations are intended to reduce or eliminate barriers to equal access, they are not intended to waive academic requirements considered essential to a particular course, 程序, 或学位.
- 迁就并不是成功的保证, 而是寻求促进不歧视和平等机会.
- 同时考虑学生的喜好, accommodations are determined through an established review process based on documentation received regarding the student's disability.
- 患有暂时疾病的学生(如.g. 感冒或流感), or is recovering from surgery not based on a long-term condition would not be considered to have a disability.
- All requests for accommodation should be made directly to 学生残疾服务. 通知其他校园合作伙伴(e.g. 招生, 取向的员工, 健康与咨询中心, 学院或宿舍生活)不被视为通知St. 365比分网电竞.
物理可访问性: A classroom must be readily accessible to individuals with disabilities. 学生残疾服务 collaborates with the Facilities Department to provide equal access. Alterations may include: relocation of classes or class-related activities, 教室里修改, 或者结构改变.
灵活安排出勤、课间休息、截止日期和迟到: Students may qualify for various types of flexibility in order to manage disability-related symptoms. The level of flexibility is determined by the professor in keeping with the integrity of the course and the technical standards of the 程序.
笔记住宿: Students may qualify to have a variety of accommodations to support their access to class lectures.
课堂资料的可选格式: Students may qualify to have access to class materials in an alternative format (e.g. 放大、电子、盲文、视频字幕). 教师应该提供平等的机会使用所有的课堂材料.
优先注册: Students may qualify for this accommodation if managing their disability requires more control over their class schedule. This accommodation allows students to register one hour in advance of their assigned registration time (i.e. 早上7点而不是8点).
延长考试/测验时间: This accommodation can be provided by 学生残疾服务 in the SDS检测中心 located in 穆迪大厅 155, 或者在另一个地方由教授讲授. The amount of extended time granted will depend on the nature of the disability and will be determined on a case by case basis.
交替空间的考试/测验: This accommodation can be provided by 学生残疾服务 in the SDS检测中心 located in 穆迪大厅 155, 或者在另一个地方由教授讲授.
四功能计算器的使用: Students can use a 4-function calculator on exams in keeping with the academic integrity of the course.
考试/测验时使用阅读工具: Students with print disabilities may qualify to have exams/quizzes read aloud. This accommodation is typically provided by the SDS检测中心 using screen reading software.
考试/测验使用Scribe: Students with print disabilities may qualify to have exams/quizzes scribed by a SDS staff member. This may include transferring written responses or oral responses onto Scantrons or into text.
考试/测验用电脑: Students may qualify to use a computer for exams or quizzes containing short answer and/or essay questions. 在这两种情况下, the SDS检测中心 can provide computer access without access to the internet.
答题卡豁免: 考生可以不使用答题卡或答题卡. 教师 should consider an alternative or allow the student to respond on the exam.
考试休息时间: Students may qualify to have breaks or access to the restroom during exams due to a medical condition.
学生可能有资格获得 减少课程负担. 不像兼职, authorization for a 减少课程负担 permits a student to register for a course load that is less than full-time, 同时还被认为是全日制学生.
一些残疾学生的经历 学习一门现代语言有困难 或数学. The decision to grant a substitution is based on reasonable accommodations, 一个人的学习历程, 妨碍现代语言习得的残疾记录, 以及未来的教育目标.
St. 爱德华的 University houses technologies to facilitate equal access to educational materials for users with a variety of print, 愿景, 听力, 和/或与行动有关的残疾. 学生残疾服务提供其他形式的住宿, SDS测试中心及其技术, 并将学生与其他格式的资源联系起来.
Assistive technologies are ever-changing and are delivered in a variety of formats across devices. Students should consider their specific circumstances (devices owned, budget, preferences, etc.),选择最适合他们需求的技术. SDS has created the following list of assistive technologies to help you get started:
SDS collaborates with Residence Life and the 山顶卡 Office to facilitate 住房和膳食计划住宿 为学生.
SDS与出国留学合作为学生提供支持 留学期间的住宿流程 取决于程序类型、目的地和第三方提供商.